Entrepreneurial Training Program

In today’s environment of uncertainty, the country needs entrepreneurial solutions and leaders who can create great economic and social value in every sector of the economy.

Our entrepreneurship program is a two weeks training taken during school holiday periods to allow students engage and network with one another. It’s a unique opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to explore a world full of opportunities and new pathways to success. We consult closely with partnering institutions to ensure our programs meet the goals of the participants.

The two weeks allow for group interactive sessions that includes business simulations with guest speakers visiting from one of our business partners in or outside Nigeria.

School Transportation Services

This service is offered by one of our subsidiaries, Ashflex School Bus Services Ltd, to engage in providing school bus transportation services to schools within its local market.  Our mission is to become the recognized leader in its targeted market for Safe, Comfort, and Convenient school bus transportation services. The marketing campaigns effectively target top schools within the locality that requires school busing services. Visit us at www.ashflexschoolbus.com for more!

If you, your students, or your clients have plans to take any field trips, please call us for the best possible charter rates. Our job is to move you to your destination and back safely. Services we cover under this platform include;

     School Pickup / Drop-off               School Field Trips                 Group Trips

     After-School Excursions               Group Events                       Senior Secondary Trips

School Management System

At Ashflex, we understand that every academic institution is unique and has a divergent set of requirements and challenges that they face each day. We can help schools, colleges, and universities to overcome and conquer these issues. By consistently having a reliable ICT infrastructure, your organization can successfully integrate IT across the curriculum, inspiring teaching staff with confidence in technology and raising productivity by streamlining IT and communication processes.

Through our partner, TRIZ Innovation Pty Ltd. (an innovative software solution provider company based in India), we offer browser-based integrated solutions for Schools, Colleges, Universities, and other educational institutions.

We recognize that the educational sector has different demands with a continuous drive to reduce overhead costs. We can help you to select the most appropriate IT Solutions and Services as well as highlight new emerging technologies developed specifically for the academic market.